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Exclusive Territory Of Sales Agency - (Type 2)


This agreement is made on [date of agreement] between [name of manufacturer], of [address of manufacturer], the manufacturer, or principal, and [name of agent], of [address of agent], known as agent:

The manufacturer produces [product] and other related products. The agent would like to be the exclusive selling agent for the manufacturer in [territory].

The parties mutually agree to the following terms and conditions:

I. The agent is the exclusive sales agent in the territory specified below, for the duration of this agreement.

II. This agreement is valid for [number of years] years, and will end on [last date agreement is valid].

III. The agent will be responsible for covering the [territory] territory.

IV. Orders taken by the agent are subject to the acceptance of the manufacturer at [his/her] office in [address of manufacturer].

V. The manufacturer also agrees to the following:

a. To pay agent [Percent commission]% commission on all sales of [product].

b. That for the life of this agreement the manufacturer create any competition for the agent by selling any products except through the agent in the above mentioned territory.

c. The manufacturer will try to the best of their ability to fill promptly any orders submitted by the agent. The agent is not to be held responsible for any problems arising from demand that exceeds the manufacturers supply.

VI. The agent further agrees to the following:

a. To the best of [his/her] efforts promote the sale of [products] in the above mentioned territory, and devote [his/her] time and energies to the sale of the specified products.

b. Not to sell or handle the sale of, any other kind of [types of product] without approval from the manufacturer.

c. To maintain uniform prices established by the manufacturer for [product], and to conform to the terms of sale and other selling and ordering conditions required by manufacturer.

VII. Notices by either party to the other must be delivered to the manufacturer at [address of manufacturer], and to agent at [address of agent]. The place to which notice may be sent can be changed only by delivering written notice to the other party.

VIII. In the event of any violation by agent of the terms of this agreement the manufacturer will be entitled to and payable by the agent the sum of $ [Amount to pay to agent] for each violation.

IX. This contract represents the entire agreement between both parties and no further terms have been agreed on by the parties except as stated above.

Signature Date

Signature Date